
ABER instruments
FuseTrick design elements fliped

The Perfect Pitch system revolutionizes yeast management by eliminating the uncertainties in the process. It not only simplifies but also enhances several critical aspects of brewing operations. By seamlessly integrating this innovative technology into your brewery, you can significantly optimize your yeast management, increase production capacity, and elevate the overall quality of your brews through improved pitching consistency.

First and foremost, the Perfect Pitch system eradicates the guesswork that often plagues yeast management in breweries. Traditional methods may involve estimations and manual adjustments, which can lead to inconsistencies in yeast pitching. With the Perfect Pitch, these uncertainties are replaced with precision and automation. The system employs advanced algorithms and real-time data analysis to calculate the exact amount of yeast needed for each batch, ensuring a consistent and reliable pitching process.

Moreover, the Perfect Pitch system enables you to streamline your production process by moving beer more efficiently through your tanks. It optimizes the timing and synchronization of yeast pitching, fermentation, and conditioning, reducing the overall turnaround time for each batch. This increased operational efficiency translates into higher production capacity, allowing you to meet growing demand without compromising on quality.

Quality is paramount in the brewing industry, and the Perfect Pitch system is a valuable tool for enhancing it. By ensuring better pitching consistency, you can achieve more predictable fermentation outcomes. This means that your beer will have a more consistent flavor profile, aroma, and alcohol content from batch to batch. Customers will appreciate the reliability and quality of your brews, leading to greater customer satisfaction and potentially higher sales.

Furthermore, the system provides valuable data and insights into your yeast management process. You can monitor and analyze yeast performance over time, identifying trends and making data-driven decisions to further improve your brewing process. This level of control and data accessibility is a powerful asset in the competitive brewing market.

Furthermore, the system provides valuable data and insights into your yeast management process. You can monitor and analyze yeast performance over time, identifying trends and making data-driven decisions to further improve your brewing process. This level of control and data accessibility is a powerful asset in the competitive brewing market.


Technical data:

Parameters Value
Measuring Ranges: 0 to 100 % Viable Spun Solids
0 to 5 x 10^9
Note: These limits will not be reached in normal operation
Practical Operating Ranges: Depends on cell sizes but typically:
0.5 – 70 % Viable Spun Solids
25 x 10^6 cells/ml to 3 x 10^9 cells/ml.
Conductivity range of 0.75 to 3.0 mS/cm
20 yeast strain storage
Power Supply: 100 to 240 V AC input max 260 V (Single phase), 45-65 Hz, 15 watts maximum.
Refer to Quint PSU instruction note for more details
Power Connection: Connected to 900 Series Buccaneer 32 A, 600 V AC/DC rating. Refer to
manufacturers wiring instructions Pt no. PX0911/03/S.
Power Cord: 3 core power cable (Live, Neutral, Earth) Current rating: 10-20 A, Jacket material:
PVC, Jacket OD: PX0980 gland pack for PX0911/03/S 7-9 mm Dark grey,
9-11 mm White, 11-13 mm Black. Use suitable gland
Electrical/EMC Safety Electrical safety Class 1 appliance handling. MUST BE GROUNDED – refer to
installation instructions in user manual.
Fuses – Live and Neutral fused!
Environmental Safe ambient operating temperature range: 5 °C to 40 °C
Recommended ambient operating temperature range: 15 °C to 30°C
Relative Humidity: < 80 %, Pollution: degree 2 (EN61010)
Recommended operating altitude: < 2000 m
Maximum operating pressure for Compact Unit: 10 Bar
Maximum CIP temperature
(for pipework)
120 °C
Construction Material All Wetted parts 316L
FDA approved materials inc. Skid, Flowmeter, Probe.
(Approvals available upon request)
Analyser Typically a Compact Adapt Head Amplifier
Probe Compact Adapt Probe. Flush Standard brewery probe 25x75 mm
Aber part 34205200
Flowmeter Endress & Hauser Proline Promag H100
Measurement: Electromagnetic, Magnetic Induction