Centec Carbotec TR-PT

Precise CO2 measurement
FuseTrick design elements fliped

Carbotec TR-PT sensor for inline disolved CO2 measurement


The CARBOTEC TR-PT is the ideal choice for the continuous monitoring of dissolved carbon dioxide levels in liquids. This instrument is meticulously designed to meet the demands of applications requiring maximum sensitivity and the highest level of accuracy. It is user-friendly and requires minimal maintenance.

Here's how the CARBOTEC TR-PT operates: The carbonated liquid under examination flows through the sensor head, also known as the measurement chamber. Multiple times per minute, the chamber is sealed, and its volume rapidly expands. This expansion generates a gas phase within the chamber. The substantial difference in partial pressure of CO2 between the liquid sample in the chamber and the gas phase prompts the carbon dioxide to move out of the sample and into the gas phase. This fundamental scientific principle is governed by Henry's Law. Within seconds, pressure equilibrium is established within the measurement chamber. The pressure at equilibrium corresponds to the CO2 content in the sample. The determination of the CO2 content relies on the measurement of pressure and temperature within the chamber.

Measuring Range 0 - 10 g/l
Accuracy ± 0,05 g/l
Repeatability ± 0,01 g/l
Response Time ≤ 20 s
Pressure of Operation max. 10 bar
Temperature of Operation - 10 - + 100 °C
Temperature Sensor Pt100
Material 1.4404/AISI 316L, EPDM (FDA), PTFE (FDA)
Connections compatible to Varivent© inline-housings DN65 - DN150; others on request
Input 6 x digital (24 VDC)
Output 3 x digital (24 VDC) & 2 x analog (4 - 20 mA)
Profibus DP option
Enclosure Rating IP65
Power Supply 24 VDC

Furthermore, any potential temperature fluctuations affecting the measured signal are automatically compensated for by an internal Pt100 sensor. It's important to note that after each measurement, the sample is entirely returned to the product without any loss, ensuring that the measurement process is efficient and minimizes waste.

Overall, the CARBOTEC TR-PT is a highly reliable and efficient instrument for continuous dissolved carbon dioxide measurement, making it a valuable asset in applications where precision and accuracy are paramount.

  • Proven technology based on pressure-temperature measurement
  • Highly precise and fast determination of dissolved carbon dioxide
  • Several short measurement cycles per minute
  • Various flange connections available
  • Hygienic execution and full CIP capability