Centec Carboblending

High Gravity Blending
FuseTrick design elements fliped

Carbonation and water blending skid unit


The Carboblending process combines the techniques of High Gravity Blending (HGB) and carbonation into a single step, offering various benefits for beer production. By utilizing this process, multiple beer brands can be produced from a single or limited number of base beers, maximizing brewery productivity even with a smaller brew house capacity and fewer fermentation tanks.

In the High Gravity Blending method, wort with a high extract content is created, resulting in a beer with a higher original gravity and alcohol content during fermentation. Subsequently, the high gravity beer is blended with deaerated water to achieve the desired final original gravity and/or alcohol content. This blending can occur either directly in front of the Bright Beer Tanks (BBTs) or even right before the filling process, significantly enhancing brewery flexibility. This flexibility enables the production of different beer brands from a shared mother beer, allowing the brewery to swiftly respond to changing market demands.

The CarboBlender incorporates a specially designed Vortex-Venturi injector for product carbonation. This injector introduces carbon dioxide into the beer stream as a large number of extremely fine bubbles. Through the application of high pressure and turbulent flow, the CO2 dissolves completely and homogeneously in a short period of time. To maintain consistent and optimum conditions, a control valve is installed at the end of the dissolving path, keeping the system pressure constant and above the saturation pressure. The flows, as well as the original gravity and alcohol content, are continuously monitored and finely adjusted using high-precision ratio control. To achieve this level of control, the system is equipped with high-precision flow meters and in-line sensors provided by Centec, a company with decades of experience in developing and manufacturing precision instruments for alcohol and CO2 control.

  • High precision in-line sensor technology for precise process control.
  • Specially designed Vortex-Venturi injector for efficient gas injection.
  • Customizable modular design with a standard PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) for easy integration.
  • Skid-mounted configuration allows for convenient installation and startup.
  • Hygienic execution and full Clean-in-Place (CIP) capability, ensuring sanitary operations.