Centec ADOS

Precision dosing system for ingredients.
FuseTrick design elements fliped

Multimixer unit for inline dosing of additive to beer,soft drinks


The additive dosing process involves the direct dosing of small or large quantities of ingredients into the main product stream based on a preselected recipe. The system can be adjusted to accommodate varying numbers of components to meet specific requirements. Additives can be supplied from separate tanks via supply lines or from smaller vessels located on the skid. These vessels can be optionally equipped with heating capabilities, CO2 or N2 purging, or agitators. To ensure precise and consistent dosing, reliable flow meters, dosing pumps, and pneumatic control valves continuously measure and adjust the quantities. This guarantees highly accurate and repeatable dosing, even for minute amounts. The modular design of the system allows for easy expansion, such as incorporating deaerated water mixing, carbonation, or pasteurization of the final product.

The ADoS (Additive Dosing System) is utilized to precisely dose ingredients such as vitamins, flavors, and colors directly into the primary product stream. This compact skid offers a high level of flexibility, enabling the production of different products and brands.

  • High precision in-line sensor technology for precise process control.
  • Specially designed Vortex-Venturi injector for efficient gas injection.
  • Customizable modular design with a standard PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) for easy integration.
  • Skid-mounted configuration allows for convenient installation and startup.
  • Hygienic execution and full Clean-in-Place (CIP) capability, ensuring sanitary operations.